Thursday, March 24, 2011

Journeying Through Friendship...

It's not easy for me on the spur of the moment,
To write what's in my heart.
The hundreds of lines running through my head,
It's hard to set them apart.

I roll back into time that has gone,
As the flashback appears so clear.
the first time I set foot in your class,
Your stare followed me so near.

The most I expected was your friendship with me,
And I got much more than that.
From friendship to partners to best friends,
Our relation-ship kept going on so fast.

This bond we shared perhaps with no other,
Was always tucked deep in my heart.
From chatter to laughter to anger and tears,
We've come sharing them all.

I trace our footprints through the sand,
As the water lashes them all.
But so deep are our imprints,
That now they shall last us ever long.

And now I'm driven back to the time,
Where were sitting hand in hand.
Those pearly tears roll down my cheek,
The feeling just too sad.

The memories keep on haunting me,
Our favorite tune playing along.
Like a song with no lyrics left,
Our days shall just move on.

I would only want to come back again,
God will take care of the rest.
The future I don't know what it holds,
I hope it's better than best.

Copyright (c) 2011 Kimberly Rowe

Thursday, March 3, 2011

"You, are next..."

T’was late at night,
The rain pouring hard,

The fast lashing lightening,
Brightened up the dark.

Lonely and white,
My fingers gone cold,
My body shrivelled up,
I dared not pick the phone.

It rang on and on,
Into the silence of the eerie night,
My hand reached out for it,
Shivering with fright.

I recalled the previous eve,
“Was driving with my friend’s,
No licence we possessed,
Yet on the highway we sped.

I hit the accelerator,
The car flew on fast,
The wind blew through my hair,
The headlights flashed sharp.

Too late was it,
I slammed the breaks down hard,
But as I knew for sure,
He was done for.

His eyes so wide,
His hands stretched out,
His face grown blue,
His blood flowing out.

We didn’t wait,
We didn’t watch,
We just drove home,
Our heart’s pumping fast.”

And ever since,
The death’s began,
My friend’s were numbered,
And so was I.

Tears of pain ran down my cheek,
As I heard his voice say to me,
What he had said before,
Just those three words –

“You, are next...”

Copyright (c) 2011 Kimberly Rowe